Thursday 31 January 2013


1 - 19


Is it bad that I want to slap the stuffing out of Dr. Megan Duffy?Dr. Duffy, cdlehliss by choice is certainly a fine one and I completely understand your motovations. I\'m very glad for you that it\'s kind of working for you. But don\'t you think that being supportive of different choices that your own makes a more convincing statement of your satisfaction rather than belitting a woman that *gasp* plays patty-cake?!? But then, I choose a physician based on his or her skills and track record, not on personality, shared interests, or knack at small talk. Wow, as if those two characteristics are mutually exclusive. Talk about lack of diagnostic accumen.In other news, Dr. Steven Neish, Dr. Jenni Levy & (of course) Dr.Isis, my husband would like to shake your hands. Because maybe I\'ll stop irrationally ranting in the living room now.


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